Meet the GD1 team - Tracy Han, Operations Coordinator

GD1 Team

With endless courage to tackle just about anything, an ability to problem solve under pressure and a love for the power of diversity, meet Tracy… 

Why venture capital? 

“The phrase ‘venture capital’ is really just a synonym for ‘growth’. Venture capital has the opportunity to make an impact in business; but also in and on society through backing founders to perform and succeed on a global stage. It’s niche and specific; but the ripples it makes are significant.” 

More importantly, why GD1?

“I didn’t know much about the VC world when I was looking for my next opportunity; but I was serendipitously attracted to GD1. The hiring process was very different - they didn’t want a cover letter. Instead, the typeform asked me exciting questions about who I was as a person. Everyone I met from that point onwards was knowledgeable, friendly and totally sold on their vision to ‘Believe bigger’. I thought to myself - this is something I could (and should!) get behind…” 

What do you do at GD1, 9-5?

“I support everything (and anything) related to keeping GD1 running as smoothly as possible. This could include onboarding new investors; communicating with our current investors; ensuring accounts are up to date; compliance and supporting our amazing culture. In short, it’s my job to ensure efficiency and to anticipate the type of support stakeholders might need (logistical, financial and tech-related); and act quickly and efficiently so that those needs are met.”

What makes a good Operations Coordinator?

“You need to be a good problem solver and take initiative. A growth mindset is essential because in this role, you’re constantly learning. An ability to say ‘I’m keen to learn and to give it a go’ is what sets you apart from others.”  

What’s your superpower?

“Because of my diverse background (I have worked in Operations at an IT law firm; taught at AUT and have a Masters in Business), I have an ability to see things from different perspectives and to ‘take them on the journey’. Diversity is so important and crucial to enhancing design, processes and outcomes. This is extremely important given I’ll be working with and supporting diverse founders.” 

What gets you up in the morning?

“It’s knowing that I am working on a purpose bigger than just my own. Backing founders and startups with potential is exciting because it’s laden with possibility. It makes you want to get up to see what’s next!” 

If you won the lotto, what would you do? 

“It might be a cliche but I’d love to travel the world  and spend time in South East Asia. I have family there and people are so important to me.”  

What would you say to someone wanting a career in venture capital? 

“Like me, you do not have to come from a traditional background in finance to add value in this arena. Your skills are transferable and there is so much to learn; but equally - we all have so much to give. VC is a great place to do that!”  

Written bY
GD1 Team



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